
Spring & Recliner Mechanism Repairs and Replacement for Furniture


Over time, the interior of furniture and seating can deteriorate or break, losing support, shape and comfort. The Leather Doctor are able to assist in improving the comfort and use-ability of furniture, to include spring repairs, spring replacements, trigger repairs and replacements and recliner mechanism replacements.

The Leather Doctor’s extensive and ongoing training ensures they are qualified in assessing the configuration of furniture and are able to remove leather coverings, without damage, to access the internal sections of the furniture that are in need of repair.

With over 30 years’ experience in spring and mechanical repairs and replacements, The Leather Doctor are the foremost experts in furniture restoration and repair. We’re able to provide honest and technically correct feedback and options on your furniture repair requirements.

Whilst most spring, trigger and recliner mechanism repairs and replacements can typically be conducted where the furniture resides (ie – in your home or office), some jobs may need to be conducted off site (depending on the size or shape of the furniture).

All onsite repairs are performed with the utmost care and respect. If furniture is required to be taken off-site for repair due to its size or shape, it is cared for in dedicated offsite Leather Doctor facilities.

Why Should You Use A Leather Doctor For Your Spring, Trigger or Recliner Mechanism Repairs or Replacements?

  • Leather Doctors are specifically trained in spring repairs, spring replacements, trigger repairs and replacements and recliner mechanism replacements. It is our core business and we ensure the services we offer are first class.
  • The Leather Doctor’s extensive and ongoing training ensures they are qualified in assessing the configuration of furniture and are able to remove leather coverings, without damage, to access the internal sections of the furniture that are in need of repair.
  • Our leather care specialists understand how to properly care for all kinds of furniture, giving you the confidence to trust them to safely and effectively repair your damaged furniture springs, triggers or recliner mechanisms.

If you have furniture that is in need of spring repairs or replacements or recliner mechanism replacements  contact your local Leather Doctor today for a free quote.

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